I created a video series that shows how one can combine Open AI’s whisper model and the pyannote speaker diarization python package in order to create a tool to automatically transcribe audio conversations.

The tool is based on a pretty simplistic heuristic that combines speech-to-text from whisper and speaker diarization from pyannote. There are already some services on the internet that offer similar applications. However, I was first of all just curious about the capabilities of whisper when I first heard about it. And second, I just did not want to sign up for yet another paid subscription service ;-)

Also, I thought it would be a pretty good use case for another project that I always wanted to do: record a tutorial series on how to build a data science product. Based on my experiences in the industry, there is so much more to a data science product than just the model development part. That’s why I wanted to put some spotlight also on the software engineering part (tools and best practices like IDE, git, CI, cookiecutter, testing, …) as well as on the thought processes behind the structuring of code and APIs of functions.

In addition, I wanted to approach the task also from the product side. Once you have implemented a tool that you deem worthwhile to share, you need to ask yourself how you want to do this. Do you want to share it as a python package? But then usage will be limited to people that know how to install python code and dependencies (including potentially required system libraries). Or do you intend to make it accessible in the cloud through a simple web browser? And how could you monetize your product?

By the time of writing, I’m not fully finished yet with all components that I originally wanted to record. But since I’m pretty busy with other projects at the moment as well, I thought I’d already share the videos that are already done and gradually keep adding new ones whenever I find the time.